Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pure Questions

I want to say something to the crazy world
Talk about love, about the life, about values
But times flies and everything is forgotten
And all the important things doesn’t look important like few seconds ago

Skeptical and slightly, I took things, to console
What’s is truth and what is lie?
Pure question, mediocre filosofy

While doss doesn’t come, one desire to change
Change any shit, ‘cause everything looks wrong
Everything looks wrong and distant
Everything looks ugly and fake

Maybe all this stuff isn’t crazy, maybe is just ugly, fake, wrong and distant (ok, I agree)

Tomorrow things will be different, who knows if the sun doesn’t bright for the left
My truth now, its all the pleasure of life is so ephemeral minutes, life
They going so fast, I can’t touch anything
The rotten saw rot, the innocents saw loneliness and the the ignorants feel happiness

Skeptical and slightly,
What’s is truth and what is lie?
Pure questions cannot be repeated, only mediocrity
And tomorrow will be another day
Because all the important things, the seconds, they will sometime, became love
Happy those people who feel the seconds,
True love, fake love


Simples Mulher said...

Lindo texto filho, mas vc deveria postar tb em Portugues para aqueles que não sabem traduzir.
Beijos e a cada dia me orgulho mais de vc!

Marçó de Almeida said...

Muito lindo e profundo.
Os inocentes vêem a solidão, os ignorantes vêem a felicidade! É mais fácil ser feliz quando não se pode olhar para longe. Mas quando não se vê à distância não se pode plantar.
E o volume da colheita depende dos kilômetros plantados...