Are Happiness dreams?
Only the happiness matters
What is real, what is a dream
What is necessary, what is fake?
One night could the winds blow everything
A surprise in the middle of nothing
Small pieces of nothing falling down
She is dancing, he is dancing
I can see some plastic bags dancing too, in the corner of the street
I love you, you love me
Let's marry, let's fuck, let's say it's over
Let's have some kids, put some nice names on them
Tell them about the world, what is wrong, what's is right
You felt you left something
Isn't enough for you loneliness
You don't want to die alone
Everyone knows you are weak
You choose other path, you choose people
Are People like a restaurant menu?
You choose what is affordable
Cheap people, easy people
And then you have some extra money,
Go to the entrees, choose some caviar
terrible taste,
but everyone knows what you are eating,
is this what matters?
Or is happiness?
poor letters, poor worlds
What can I drunk poet do for the world
He cries, he thinks he knows a lot
He think he can changes the world
But what matters,
Happiness for sure not
The only thing real, is a dream
And the dream is over
The dreams are fake
Ta mto depre...não gostei.
Te amo!
Gostei bastante deste texto e de outros postados aqui. Diferente dos blogs que costumo acompanhar, você desabafa muitas coisas, muitos sentimentos com citações cinematográficas. Achei bem original! Enfim... continuarei acompanhando. Abraços!
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